Tucson Personal Training
Eat More Lose Weight*


Are you ready to lose weight and tone up? Between the left over holiday pounds, the broken new years resolutions and the seeming struggle to lose the weight, many of us left with the question, how do get lose the weight? The professionals at Dynamic Bodies invite you to discover the secret of how to eat more food than ever and still lose weight.*

The way we eat affects our bodies in many ways. Our Personal Trainers teach four ways eating more food helps us lose weight:*

1. Increased Metabolism
2. Energy Levels
3. Blood Sugar Levels
4. Insulin Levels

"We see so many people who come to ask us about losing weight. When we sit down with them and analyze their eating habits, we discover what modifications need to be made to rev up their metabolism to achieve the desired results," says Mark Saunders, Owner of The Tucson Personal LLC. He continues, "Once our clients start with us, most are surprised how much food they can eat and still lose weight."*

Eating could be considered the most important part of a fat reduction/muscle building program. Feeding your body essential nutrients at regular intervals throughout the day is key to reducing body fat. The professional staff of Dynamic Bodies Personal Training can show you how a few simple modifications to your eating habits can help you lose weight by eating more of the right foods at the right times.*

Each time we eat we get a metabolic boost. Our bodies must work to digest the food. When this happens our metabolism is increased. This means we are burning calories. If we are eating the right foods, we raise our metabolism without adding an abundance of calories, forcing our bodies to burn fat.*

Advanced planning is essential. This is especially true when you have a busy schedule or when traveling. Know in advance what you are going to eat tomorrow. Decide in advance what you will eat when you take a trip. Don't wait until hunger sets in, or until the departure day to figure out what you are going to do about eating. Plan your meals when you are not hungry. Hungry people tend to over-portion their meals, just as they tend to spend more at the grocery store.*

For more information call The Tucson Personal Trainer LLC at 520-400-9573,  You can also visit

The Tucson Personal Trainer and receive the FREE SPECIAL REPORT "10 Secrets to Get in Shape now".

You can have a dynamic body!*
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*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors. 

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