Personal Training Videos

Personal Training:

This is a range of video-shorts about health, fitness, and nutrition.

Mark Saunders is author of Optimal Nutrition and former Professional Bodybuilder. Above all, he's just a guy who likes to feel fit and healthy, and is happy the assist anyone who feels the same.

For more videos, visit his YouTube Channel below:

You Tube

*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors. 

Personal Training - Videos
Bulgarian Split Squat

Personal trainer
How to Half Dead Lift 

Personal trainer, Tucson and online,  Mark Saunders demonstrates the half deadlift.  

Why use the partial deadlift? If you have any type of lower back damage this could be the key to your weight training. This is a true compound movement involving a very large percentage of your bodies muscle mass. Do not worry if you have no muscle mass, this will build some.

This is a mass producing compound movement. A powerful full body movement is what you need to build muscle. Increase bone density and set the stage for overall fitness.

For a complimentary "Get Clear, Get Focused" visit

Other local related sites are 

*How to Seated Calf Raises 

*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors. 

Pre work out stretch* 

*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors. 

How To Parallel Bar Dips*

Personal Training Tucson Contact


Push Downs

Initial consultation and what to expect:*

Our initial consultation is so we can meet each other, go over your goals, assess your current diet and exercise program (if you have one) and make a game plan for your success.*

The "game plan" will be when I show you how you are going to reach your goals through what I call "The five elements for physical progress". During our consultation, I will show you how we will get you to your goals whether it is for health, fitness or weight loss.* 

By the time we are though with our consultation, you will be clear on what it is going to take to reach your goals. You will see the value in using me as online personal trainer/coach. With a solid strategy, coaching, motivation and accountability you will be well on your way to your goals!*

This consultation alone will get you started on the way to your goals immediately. Please fill out the form below to get started!*

Health & Fitness
Complimentary Consultation.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors. 

Social Media Connections:

Facebook - Mark's Personal FB Profile
Facebook - Mark's FB Weight Loss Group 

I Love Being Fit Over 40 - Facebook 
Community Page


You Tube 






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Personal Training