Tucson Personal Trainers
It's not my fault*

As Tucson personal trainers we know that people who use the excuse, "it's not my fault," tend to cast blame, make excuses and do not accept responsibility for all their negative results and failures. As Tucson Personal Trainers we know there is always someone else or some circumstance to blame that is responsible for their negative results and failures.*

They use excuses to defend their limiting beliefs, to justify their lack of action, and to explain why they believe something can't be done. This lets them off the hook of personal accountability.*

It takes self discipline and mastery over self to overcome this tendency. If you're not on your guard, making excuses can become habit forming and every time you are facing an obstacle or challenge you fall in this trap. When this happens you give up control of your life and play the victim.*

Blamers and excuse makers rarely improve and never reach a high level of success because they believe they are not in control of their results. So how can they change this behavior?*

What is the cure for this disease? The answer is accepting responsibility for your results. If you have a lean, fit and dynamic body, it wasn't luck. You achieved it through following good habits of exercise, diet, recovery, supplementation and mindset. What I call the five elements of physical progress.*

If you are reading this and do not have the body you deserve yet, take responsibility for your results. I am not saying you should dismiss the conditions outside of your control that might make weight loss more challenging. Genetics play a role in body fat, and some diseases and prescription drugs can also make fat loss difficult. But, some people confuse "difficult" with "impossible".*

The question isn't whether or not difficulties exist that make losing weight harder, but rather how you respond to them.

Remember, responsibility means "I am responsible." Taking back responsibility for all of your results, for better or worse, is taking back your power to create results in your life.*

There you have it. I hope you enjoyed this week's article. For further assistance, contact me directly at my information below. If you are interested in a personal assessment and plan of action for your progress visit: Contact Mark Saunders for a complimentary consultation.* 

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Complimentary Consultation.

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To your health! Sincerely,

Mark Saunders

Tucson Personal Trainers...Online Training

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Tucson Personal Trainer LLC - Personal Trainers

Tucson Personal Fitness Trainer - Personal Trainers

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