Tucson Personal Training
Five Elements to a Dynamic Body

Tucson Personal Training


Mark Saunders


     To truly achieve a dynamic body the right amount of effort must be put into the right things.   Our Tucson personal training team, realize far too many people put too much effort into the wrong things.  These things may or may not produce at best a small amount of progress.  Yet these same people spend little effort making sure they are taking care of the basics-the things must be in order for physical progress to occur.  When maximized doing the basics can produce astounding changes!*

     Maybe it’s human nature to get caught up in the trees and lose sight of the forest.  I don’t know, but I do know this is the primary reason many people never reach their full potential.*

     Our Tucson personal training team teach “The five elements to a dynamic body”. This is a guideline for thought and action.  It can enable you to stay grounded in the most important aspects of physical progress.*







First let’s look at an overview of the five elements.



TRAINING- Almost everyone thinks they know how to train after a year or so of working out.  In reality, the more you learn, the more you discover what you don’t know.  As much as I pride myself on my passionate search and discovery of training methods, it has taken me years of study and commitment on a daily basis.  Each year, I find out how much I didn’t know during the previous years. Become a student and realize that there is always more to know.  Never be ashamed to say I don’t know. Our Tucson personal trainers don’t know everything. There is always MORE to learn.*


NUTRITION-There is basically two different types of foods.  They are micronutrients and macronutrients.  Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals.  Macronutrients are your proteins, carbohydrates and fats. If you are building a house you would need the right amount of bricks, woods, nails and cement.  Too many of these materials would be too much and would be a waste.  Too little and you wouldn’t be able to build your house.  It is the same with your body.  It needs the right amount of micronutrients and macronutrients to become what you want it to be. Our Tucson personal training team, will teach you the right amount for you.*


RECOVERY-When exercise is performed, impairment occurs.  We cause damage to the connective tissue, muscle fibers and drain energy reserves.  This damage occurs so stimulation and improvement can take place.  Recovery is when the body repairs, overcompensates and improves as a result of exercise.  This results in strength gains.  Exercise provides the stimulus for progress.  Recovery and nutrition allows the body to produce the results. Our Tucson personal training team, will help educate you about recovery for your body.*


SUPPLEMENTS-There are basically two different types of supplements, nutritional supplements and enhancement performance supplements.  Nutritional supplements make it convenient to get in our required amount of nutrients.  Examples of these would be vitamin/mineral supplements, meal replacement shakes, protein shakes and bars.  Enhancement performance supplements are taken to enhance performance. They are not to be confused with nutritional supplements.  A good example of this would be creatine monohydrated.  This supplement is used widely for its strength enhancement qualities. Our Tucson personal training team, will help you decide which supplement program is best for you.*


PSYCHOLOGY TECHNIQUES - Learning to tap into your mind/body relationship is one of the more difficult areas of the Elements of Physical Progress.  However difficult the struggle may be to unlock the door, the results will more than make up for the frustration encountered in the years of persistence it takes to master this great resource.  Simply going to the gym and exercising without any previous mental preparation is like trying to run uphill.  Likewise, going from set to set and exercise to exercise without being focused is like adding a stiff wind to that uphill grade.  Knowing that this mind/body relationship does exist and making a true effort to learn and apply how it works is the first step towards results.  It won’t be long before people are using visualization and guided imagery, which have been proven to be highly effective at enhancing many of the aspects of physical performance/progress.*

     It has been our experience that most people need help with basics first.  Our Tucson personal training team, will help you get started with the basics, exercise and nutrition whether it be through phone coaching or in person.*


     I would like to offer you a complimentary consultation at our facility and if not local a complimentary phone consultation. This will include a complete health, fitness and nutritional assessment.  We discuss where you are and where you want to be, and start you a plan to get you there as fast as possible. The consultation alone will help you so much and it will be an eye opening experience for you.*

      Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.  Do yourself a favor and call me now (Mark Saunders) at 520-400-9573 or fill out our online form to request an assessment.*

*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors. 


Let us help you to get your dynamic body.


Mark Saunders,
The Tucson Personal Trainer LLC


P.S. I have a very wise older brother who shared this quote with me and I want to pay it forward to you.

“Life by design, not by default”

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Tucson Personal Trainer

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